
A web developer from Harrogate, North Yorkshire.


Out with the old (website) in with the new (Github pages)!

Published Jul 03, 2019

Hey reader!

Last year I decided to give up on my custom domain names and in favour of Github Pages.

While my old domains held some name based value to me (including one being one of the first I had ever owned), I simply thought there wasn’t enough need for them.

I appreciate that this could be different for other developers, but, for me, I found that Github pages was absolutely perfect for my needs.

🥳 It’s freeeeeee

Github pages have been around for a while, I’ve used them before, but, never for the top-level user profile which can actually be suitable enough for a small portfolio website!

✍️ It’s got this blogging feature

Only recently have I though to try the blogging feature that comes with it. Using Jekyll to do this magic, really nice that it’s just in markdown files which is nice! 👍

🐙 Github made a really nice generator

The Github team recently put this Personal website generator, which is really simple to setup, looks modern and professional, it pulls in things from my Github profile automatically, awesome!

🤔 Conclusion

I’m pretty stoked to find something this low maintenance setup from Github (thanks guys & girls), hopefully it will serve as a nice incentive to get more content out there.